
7 Tips For Shopping Organic On A Dime


Baobab Fruit

The purchase of organic food is often considered a luxury that most people can't afford, but with the right planning, shopping organic within a budget is feasible. At Ward's, we are proud to provide a variety of organic and local products, meats, and other goods. If you're looking for the best ways to shop for organic products and on a tight budget We offer a few tips to aid you in saving money on your next trip to the store.

If you're searching for organic Baobab Fruit at the local store, be sure you read the labels. It is the initial step towards ensuring that the product you are buying meets USDA organic standards.

7 Tips to Shop Organic and Save Money

Organic shopping doesn't need to be costly! There are many ways that you can save money while getting high-quality, organic food items for your family. We've outlined a few tips to help you save when shopping for organic products:

1. Buy Seasonally

Fruits and vegetables that are in season are much more affordable. They are usually cheaper and taste better since they are in greater supply. Our blog contains an array of seasonal fruits and veggies.

2. Find local advertisements

Your local store will typically publish a weekly ad which will highlight the items that are available for sale during the week. Sometimes organic chai latte is also included. Ward's Supermarket publishes a weekly sales ad every Wednesday, and you can also sign up for our newsletter so that you can be the first to be informed when the ad goes live. We frequently highlight organic products and foods from local farms!

3. Use Coupons

Many organic vendors offer coupons that can be used at grocery stores. There are a variety of ways to find coupons, including on the internet, in newspapers, in a local circular or even in apps. You can also get rebates by using apps like Ibotta to purchase certain brands of products.

4. Private Label Brands

Generic brands from grocery stores usually have the same quality that the brand name brands offer, and staple food products like sugar and flour, are the best option to purchase generic. At Ward's we offer several private label items ranging from jellies, hot sauces, and jams, to natural vitamins and supplements. Private label products are free from preservatives, and contain ingredients that you can pronounce. That means you can rest assured that your family will receive high-quality food for a reasonable price.

5. Meal Plan

Planning your meals out in advance can save you money on grocery shopping. When you're looking over the weekly specials of the local grocery store You can create your grocery list and meals around the items on sale, including the organic products. You'll not only save money, you'll save time when you have your shopping trip scheduled ahead of time. Time is money, as they say!

6. Buy in Bulk

It is possible to save money by buying in bulk and storing food for longer durations. It is possible to get better prices if you buy huge quantities. You don't need to shop at the big box stores to find huge discounts on bulk purchases. Ward's is known for having the most extensive selection of bulk organic goods. This includes difficult-to-find spices, teas, coffees as well as flours. You can stock up by bringing your own container, which is beneficial for the environment as well!

7. The "Clean 15"

While organic chai latte is recommended, it's not always required. If you are unable to afford organic, there are foods you don't have to buy organic. Each year the Environmental Working Group compiles a list of foods that have been grown without pesticides or genetic modification, as well as artificial fertilizer. You may be surprised by the products on the list!

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